"StarFish Path"

Flaming Tree nebula


In the constellation of Orion, along the belt area is a beautiful  red tree shape called Flaming Tree.  Since the painting is about white hole, binary stars, golden spiral pathway : the Red Tree was a focal point. 

...binary star emergence


Most stars have a binary twin and follow separate orbits, but one day they closely circle to meet up ( in a clandestine affair), and when they do a struggle ensues and one has all the light and now the other is a darker red hue.  The dark one needs to recharge to bloom again, and so the circle of life renews.  

There is two light sources one from the horizon and the other from the Star in the forefront of the painting.

White Hole, StarFish, Sand Dollars


The StarFish painting was dedicated to the 10s of millions of starfish that washed ashore pulled by the tides since 2010 and were trapped on the beach all at once.  From UK, US, CA especially along the coasts.  Many died, swept away and scattered with sand dollars. Their fates  are a constant reminder physical life can end up as golden dust


Representational surrealism draws the viewer into a more meaningful creative state using mostly objects that most are familiar with and juxaposing them with the less likely match to state perhaps something new. 

My favorites were Remedios Varo, she resided in Mexico, and Dali who was in Spain influencing art, sculpture, and movies in his time.  Rene Magritte is still used today with his ...

I seek to achieve a depth of meaning with this two dimensional form as did the surrealists. ~ SR

A quote from Andre seems to sum it up. 

 "...an absolute reality, a surrealty"...Andre Breton, DaDa movement.  

Many of the other paintings are oil landscapes, midnight paintings or more familiar scenes in acrylic, casein and watercolor.


Montage ~ More views

moon phases full faces


This moon is acting more like a comet with a long magnetic tail in many radiant hues.

...star leaves fluttering

Star leaves falling off the ridge.

NightPath spilling down the trail carrying star leaves to reflect the light.

a path on a midnight run

Golden leaves reflect from the moon at night.

Follow the path through the forest and the stars lead the way !



Cool blue light with tree shadows at night in a timeweave to announce 2012 the new era...

Montage ~ TimeWave

Day dreaming in the clouds


Dream of noctilucent clouds and cotton candy wisps of streaming cloud puffs as the time strands are still.  Walk out to the universe off the edge of the forest.  



Step through the time wave strolling the path of Pleiades splashing in the reflecting water puddle or crush the grass by treading lightly on Orion's belt and crossing his razor sharp dagger to face the Bull's Horns of the Taurus constellation.

In the shadow reflections of time...


The tall gaunt winter trees stand strongly rooted while reaching, growing toward the sky straining to gather more light.

A painting on the idea of REDSHIFT stars in the universe.



"Red petals remind me of the velvet swirl of beautiful flowers as well as, silk dress furrows...

Montage ~ "RedShift"

infinity : pollen, pistal, seeds


 Galaxies have a center pistal (bar shape) stamen and pollen of star generations which can resemble the small bloom in the cosmic garden. The terms make a great metaphor for the unfolding universe with one flowering nebula at a time.  

stars are redshifting away, far out


I love this red.  It is a paint called “Pyrrol Red“, a brilliant true red that can not be captured on digital film.  A must see in person.

Red Shift:

   Nebulas are torn by explosions that ripple out while renewing energy in the forming of stars. The term in astronomy to explain a distant star accelerating away from earth. 

a blooming shift


Bold Red petals swirling.  Red in photographs actually jump forward to the viewer, yet, in the stars it recedes.



"Quasar / Black Hole : Heaven / Hell"

Quasars attract light and Black Holes harvest light

Montage Views ~ "Quasar / Blackhole : Heaven / Hell

...quasar heaven recycling


 Quasar, light heaven gains light beings. Quasars are great attractors.  Here it is ~ Immeasurable Heaven beyond even the Deep Field region in space. 

...streaming beings


 Drawn to the light, beings are fervently shedding their bodies to bath in the light streams.




"Sailing stones were new to me.  Once I understood the incredible event, I had to paint it revealing the mystery in a deeper way... 


Want to know more?

Death Valley has mysterious events occurring over time called “sailing stones”.  Rocks move stealthfully over time, slide over the dry desert floor.  What forces are at work for sailing stones? 

Montague ~ "THE CUBE"

the rock cube is sailing on the dust of the desert


Sailing stones are real, moving across the sand.

...navigation on the gravity waves


Riding the neon blue waves can be seen the constellation of Argus Navis, a ship wandering the skies.  

the lonely honeybee...


The dry desert ground appearance is similar to a honeycomb.  I painted the honeybee on the side panel busy at work.



Pairs, Pears, Pares


Montage ~ Pears as ONE : Life

...a pair of pears compare


The shape is similar to a violin, viola or a lute.  In the past, there was a constellation of a lute.

...pear juice nebula


Pears is an early surrealistic oil painting I produced that demonstrates binary and at the same time dark of space with the whitish yellow of pears...as composite nebula are clouds that surround the "fruit".

...sugar on a pear


Surrealism can be fun when you juxtapose two different absurd ideas. This clip its about a recipe and comparing the squares (sugar cubes) to the smooth pear out in space.