Artist's Comments ~ Stars

Artist Comments on the Star Paintings

Star  Paintings ~ ...

ARTIST'S COMMENTS on "StarFish Path"

"We tend to view objects and not identify with their forms.

Star fish lying on the sand in the day resemble star “fish” shapes scattered in the milky way also in the dark.  Gathering in the form of the golden ratio of life, there are thousands melting into the sand : legs and arms turn into sand grains.

Sea Stars meet a vortex of nature - a black hole in the ocean which absorbs everything in its path erasing even the sand dollars : above and below ground. 

We can identify with the beautiful star fish and emerging sand dollars.Forms appear to melt into sand, like magic, disappearing right before our eyes.”

There was an ancient calendar that told of space and time created by nature a “13” moon calendar on the backs of the Sea Turtles.  Enjoyed by the North American Indians, Mayans and Hindus this 13 segments were the cycle of life displayed out in pictures of the constellations.

The universal icons remind us of our connectedness and strip time as we embrace the ideas of the past.  Is the new light from the galactic center beaming brightly causing an “uncovering”?  It did for me." ~SR



Artist's Comment

The midnight painting it is a technique in acentuating mica reflectors iridescent color, regular colors, and shimmer silver paint.  Some of the oils are a two tone color, depending on where you stand the brilliance of the paint becomes a different color : dull copper or celadon green for instance is in the grass and moss adding depth to the path.   

The crisp air and looming shadows create a mystery path.  Just imagine In the forest at night there can also be a primitive urge to rush forward to explore the path. You can imagine a stalking leopard or panther striding quietly among the leaves like a vapor dark cloud.  Gleaming color beams from the moon ripple across the sleek body which suddenly disrupts the stealth fluid action caught among the trees only for a flash because the panther is one with the forest. ~SR 



Cool blue light with tree shadows at night to embrace 2012 the new era. THE ROAD TO AWE


“As we have ended 2012, it was known by many that a new era was arriving with the beginning of a new timewave ~ 2013.  Passing of ages reminds me of a cool, brilliant moonlit night in a quiet forest leaves muffle the sounds and limbs are bare as wispy clouds drift by.  The colors of the prism returning from the stars as the reflection in the water mirrors back its radiance.  Warmer tan sunset light filters through the stark limbs striking the walkway daring the journeyer to mingle with the stars.  

The end of this age is a “path” story unfolding with drama and characters like Pleiades, the 13th constellation, Scorpius and the Galactic Center of photons to celebrate the new year.  It is an ancient tale from 26,000 years ago and it is not finished just yet.”  


Timewaves are similar to shockwaves .  As they occur we reflect, we advance ~ we peek back into into our past and forward toward our future based on the present.



Artist Comments

"Red petals remind me of the velvet swirl of beautiful flowers as well as, silk dress furrows. Red in a photograph jump forward to the viewer.

Red Shift: Nebulas are torn by explosions that ripple out while renewing energy in the forming of stars. The term in astronomy to explain a distant star accelerating away from earth.

Galaxies have a center pistal, stamen and pollen of star generation resembling the small bloom in the cosmic garden.  The words make a great metaphor for the unfolding universe with one flowering nebula at a time.

I love this paint called "Pyrrol Red", a brilliant true red that can not be captured on digital film.  A must see in person." ~ SR

*Other galaxy thinkers...
A great commentary of where we are today ~ find Zen Gardner's statements, here is a sample.  GRAVITY WAVES BY ZEN GARDNER   This year is going to be a really good one, as Galactic Waves are going to be passing through here, the Galaxy Waves will create elevations ...changes in the laws of physics.    
Astrophysics has observed quantized red shift arising in concentric circles from the cores of all Galaxies.  ... due to changes in the physical properties of the interstellar aether media.   ...    


"Quasar / Black Hole : Heaven / Hell"

Quasars attract light and Black Holes harvest light


"TRANSFORMATION : the Creation Metaphor ~ 1996 painting of Black Hole / Quasar...

“After all we are beings of StarDust riding the stream of consciousness adding or shedding form.  The struggle in a material form is our spiritual journey provided by our star, the Sun (without the sun’s photons we would perish).

In the painting 1996 the concepts of Heaven (Quasar pulsars) with brilliant beams of light are undulating : the heart body in form.  Beings are attracted to the light. The light reaches a galaxy like the Milky Way pulsing beams into matter.  A living photon belt.

The struggles of beings can be seen in the Greek tales of Star Constellations.  The spiritual challenge coalesces (Heaven/Quasar) with the Egyptians idea of “Lighted Beings” (lighter than a feather) as opposed to the duality in the absence of light (abyss, black hole, hell ) forever. 

Metaphorically, in the pulse of matter, it is never truly the the reincarnation of life wave forms.” ~ SR



Artist comments on The Cube

"Sailing stones were new to me.  Once I understood the incredible event, I had to paint it revealing the mystery in a deeper way.   As I sought more information I realized they were going north by viewing the shadows of many pictures.  I marveled at the honeycomb pattern on the dried desert floor.  
Sailing stones remind me of the constellation of sailing - Argo Navi, the huge ship that modern astronomers have broken into little pieces which destroys the connection to the ancient story of Jason and the Argonauts sailing for the golden fleece.

The dreamy painting collects the ideas of sailing under the stars with the neon light of noctilucent clouds pointing the way.  Under a Balsamic moon, a new beginning and collective stars.  Noctilucent “night shining” clouds were rare, but are now seen all the time.  
The cube has a profound meaning both in geometry and ancient wisdom.  Egyptians were throned on a cube within a cube. 

The cube, a simple rock can defy a sense of logic as it dances across the desert pushing sand in front of it & behind it, as its heavy weight drags the ground.  It can slightly change direction leaving a wavy trail behind it on many occasions.   Yet it must creep very, very slowly some believe as they stay and watch for it for hours to show signs of movement.   So far, its mysterious origin has been undetected.  
The desert floor cracks into shapes that appear to me like a honeycomb pattern filled with golden honey. I have a bee on the side panel." ~ SR

Death Valley has mysterious events occurring over time called “sailing stones”.  Rocks moving stealthfully over time, sliding over the desert floor.  What forces are at work for sailing stones? 



Pairs, Pears, Pares. and Com-Pairing

 "Pears when ripe have a beautiful orb shape, color and smell.  I love Naples Yellow paint with bursts of color : shapeshifting mix of surrealism with metaphoric ideas. What fun!

Language is fascinating when very different meanings can be pronounced with the same sound : pear , pair, pare.  I will soon have a movie that emphasizes a pair of pears were ONE before they were pared, which equals one life of a pair and so it is with humankind. 

The constellations a coalescence of stars take on radiant figures in the stark blackness similar to clouds in the sky, only lasting longer.  Many countries had a different image for their legends. Artists centuries ago, determined what the image should be for a visible grouping of the stars based on the legend in the countries below.  For example, if the country was being attacked without mercy, they may have pointed at the time when the scorpion was clear in the night’s sky a way of retaining the story for next generations. Beware of the night during the sting of the scorpion. The constellations rotate and are timely with the seasons, therefore far easier to tell a consistent tale with a long tail..." ~ SR


