The pulse of earth matching the pulse of the sun and moon also. Dynamic earth responding to energy.


Heart of the Earth

"We can consider the life of the planet in different ways. By our hearts, we may say that our planet is life giving.

If we speak from the brain, we might say that the Earth is a planet, or a satellite of the Sun, or even a material machine that keeps things running on the surface.

Earth itself is a ilving organism with a PULSE.  I have painted it here with the  Sun using an ancient Icon, but displaying its properties also activating the auroras.

The  Silvery Moon is vibrating energies to the surface to keep the beat.   And the time clock is pointing to Gemini constellation and the Ophis constellation   opposite sides of the earth.  

The Galactic Center is messaging out a waves to signal the great turn.

Inside story...

An oil painting with a sense of action, emotion and continuity of purpose.  The Earth has a purpose.  It generates life for  billions upon billions of species.  I am suggesting in this painting that the crystalline heart pulses to move water, magma blood, and electricity to activate this life. 

Nebula fish scoring on the tail of a comet in space.


"Fish playing 5D pool into a comet tail. Game results ~ shift the entire solar system..." ~ SR

What can be expected from the plasma KOI designers who set up a game ...


"IRIS: Event Horizon"

Light streams into the iris ...

 "Light enters the eye so quickly, we don't realize the moment light arrives - it is instantaneous.  Yet it's a magical event to transfer photons into matter in our mind.  Flower petals unfold to absorb the beams on cue while we take it for granted as we awaken.

The Star Metaphor of 'Event Horizon' (explanation for light entering a place in space that appears to steal light and refuse to give it back) is actually an iris ledge, our personal slit experiment with our eye on the other side of the experience looking back in reflections of that light - like the retina.  The retina absorbs and returns light, its magic." ~ SR


"Star Berries"

Stars bloom into ripe dark purple blueberries...

“Blueberries have a vibrant, purple-blue or dark midnight blue hue when ripe.  Round perfect spheres of nature in multiple stages of development are expressed in blush white with lime green edges on to magenta red finalizing into the deep purple of a plump berry.

“As nature matures the refined orb the color changes. The berry skin plumps out growing larger and larger using the star.  

The sun kissed hues of succulent blueberries reminds me of the spheres in orbit where the berry tops of five points bursting in to Stars.  The orange skin stars exemplifying the synchronicity of nature in shapes with space.” ~ SR


"Lysistrata's Mask"

Women from many nations meet to stop war...

 "The Moon has many mysterious effects. During a Supermoon, the moon is opposite the Sun from earth's point of view.  It can also be a time when the Moon is closest to the earth with exceptionally powerful drawing of fluids.  The moon cycles effect plants and humans.

The painting focuses on centuries old meeting in 411 B.C.  Females gathering to use their influence to change current conditions as in the old legend from Aristophanes.  I was very impressed with this poem when I read it in college, how similar we are event over 2,000 years.

The women disguised in costumes of Ravens, reflect in the full bright moonlight pondering their dilemma : wars are killing people.  Goal is to stop meaningless wars.  A solution was culminated to stop sex until the wars end!

Surrealistic scene emphasizes the cloaks of iridescent feathers that reflect in the moonlight lighting toward the radiant moon. The moonbeams are actually Sun Reflections at night enveloping everything in a twilight bluish cool haze while other mysterious objects are veiled.  Reflecting and reflection are prominent here, I love the play on words.  As in identities hidden in cloaking guises, Lysistrata begins her quest with the support of other concerned women.

Montage ~ life viewpoints from the Artist

Get to the Heart of the matter


Be clear concise and it will assist you in navigating your course. It has helped me to focus on the things I love.

Solutions come from brain, but the motivation should come from the heart.  the heart of a matter is a better source for long lasting ideas it reaches to the human soul and keep us together.

Be enlightened


See what you can do to get engaged with envisioning your best future. Light has such significance, I try to bring things to light so that I can make a painting better or note a important paradox to review.

Be Healthy


Healthy in mind, spirit and body.  Time is always a factor ~ just simple actions like cooking and keeping up on healthier foods, exercise, and entertaining can be a chore.  Build an oasis right in your own space with long low vibration notes from chimes ( I use ) or soft music and great light ~ it renews the mind like mediation and just being still can work.  I find my creative energies get fully flowing in this type of serene environment. It does enhance the Theta brainwaves of creativity.


TimeMachine : A Present Past

A child peers through the doorway and sees a world upside down where floors are at ceilings and tiles of day (white) and night (purple) are on the floor.  The child sees the the embryo apple, the generational women mirror shield, and the universal ceiling is governed by the Milky Way.  Everything seems to happening simultaneously ~ a Past Present ~ a unique synchronicity of life. 


"Time Machine : A Right Side up World


A Past Present

Memories are grand!  Visualize the beautiful experiences of your youth to the present. Yes, you have some golden moments ~ a relative, a kind coach, an endearing friend of childhood.  It may be the experience you want to have with others today.  

The Looking Glass is yours.  Build the world you want to live in.  Step through the threshold and throw rose petals into infinity.  Toss the river stones into the pond and step into the waves on rocks to cross the chasm of things left behind and join the new journey !  Your journey.

About the Artist and the Art

The Artistry of Painting


The depth of oils far exceed any other medium in my viewpoint.  The scenes actually put me into the painting. 

Watercolors are fun and easier than oils and allow a lot of techniques to be explored.

Casein is water based and enhances mood, mystery, and softens the painting.

Giclee Prints Available


If you enjoy art, and have a painting you want to treasure let us know.

I had a very small business for a while, printing and perfecting my own numbered Giclee's and although I could ensure the best product it became too costly to maintain. I used special inks, real canvas, and special watercolor papers with authenticity documents. Now I leave most of that processup to others.

How to create a Starberry


A 2 minute movie will be coming soon to show how you can create a painting. It is outlining the process I used for the painting "StarBerries".

The movies I created were short and simple but over time the software was becoming harder to update. So, I am in the process of transitioning the video clips to new support software.

For You

How can you reach us?


Write a request in the email section and explain which print you are interested in.

What would you like to see more of?


Do you paint or sketch?  What is your medium? Oils, Watercolors, Casein ~ let me know.

Interest in SIGNED Prints?


I have a sale for first time customers.  The Watercolor Prints can be purchased at 10% Summer Sale.  Contact me for the best selections! ~ SR

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Articles assist in a better understanding.

Time is art discussed by LAW OF TIME from the Mayans & Hopi.

Brain Cells ~ ASTROCYTES 2013 (pdf)


Romeo & Juliet (pdf)


Sol Twins or Multiples? (pdf)




Time is Art (pdf)
